A two-time graduate of English (BA, MA) and junior software developer with over 5 years of experience in the writing industry. I create documents that thoroughly explain your product to users.
JavaScript—a programming language you will encounter at some point in your tech journey. If you want to learn how to run a JavaScript (JS) project,...
Introduction If you are just starting your technical writing or software development journey, understanding Git and GitHub is key to excelling in your...
Introduction Every tag in HTML has a specific purpose. The <p></p> tag is used to start and end a paragraph. The <title></title> tag marks the title...
Introduction To build a website, you need a good understanding of HTML. HTML is the foundation of every web page. It structures content into important...
Buttons are everywhere on websites. From “Subscribe,” “Download,” “Update,” to “Buy Now,” you can hardly find a website without them. Learn how to...
Are you new to technical writing and want to master some of the required skills to thrive in the industry? You need a good understanding of...